#GE2020 Comparing Party Manifestos to 2016

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A few days ago I wrote a blog post about using Python to analyze the 2016 general (government) elections manifestos of the four main political parties in Ireland.

Today the two (traditional) largest parties released their #GE2020 manifestos. You can get them by following these links

The following images show the WordClouds generated for the #GE2020 Manifestos. I used the same Python code used in my previous post. If you want to try this out yourself, all the Python code is there.

First let us look at the WordClouds from Fine Gael.

2020 Manifesto
2016 Manifesto

Now for the Fianna Fail WordClouds.

2020 Manifesto
2016 Manifesto

When you look closely at the differences between the manifestos you will notice there are some common themes across the manifestos from 2016 to those in the 2020 manifestos. It is also interesting to see some new words appearing/disappearing for the 2020 manifestos. Some of these are a little surprising and interesting.